Friday, September 09, 2005


Electron microscopy and 3D tomography. Take 121 pictures with the EM, stack it up, make sure they are aligned well and then reconstruct the 3D image by using the pen like thing on the keyboard to draw on the plate like thing on the top right hand side of the picture. Still at the alignment stage which uses gold beads on the specimen to track the stacks. You need to track at least 10 clearly visible gold beads on all 121 pictures to align the picture together to form a 3D stack.
Because it's so repetitive, I need the attendance of my trusty pair of headphones and a RM5 disc full of MP3s.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Got a 2 week loan on this $32K machine that only does mammalian cells but supposedly can give yields up to 81%. Each cell line has customized solutions and chemicals and cost a bomb. Since it's on a free loan, might as well use it. Looks cool though...

Who wants?

Who wants to post stuff here? Send me an email at samchiang at gmail dot com and I will invite you in as a member. Don't shy shy.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

New chairs

Everybody, look at our new chairs!
Rubbery rough surface prevents butt slips for those crucial times in the lab.
The old comfy cushiony ones are gone to DBS, biosafety for us people in BSL2 or so they say. Guess the people in DBS don’t need safety huh. Compared to Willie’s office, what’s this?
You know what, the surface of the chairs remind me of the flooring of the old SBS busses.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Microbio welcome tea

This happened last month but it was intersting because we WON!!!! okok, calm down, breathe in and out. Here are some pics for you to drool over.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Went to a Congress just the past weekend. Call it a lab social outing if you want to. We came we ate and we took the photo. The first night was a 'stand-about' dinner where there were no seats (third pic) while the Sunday one was a buffet style but this time they had tables. Each table had a different colour spotlight on it, washing all your food in a particular hue.