got some dry ice becasue we needed to send some samples to another country but the minimum amount to buy was 10kg. So there was lots of excess. Hehehe... free entertainment.
Dragon's Bday today. Two cakes! Prof realized the hungry kimchiboy would wollup all the cake there wont be enough for everybody else. At first sight, I thought it was fried rice. Honest. Actually caramel with some nutty like thing on top of dark chocolate cake. Eaten cold.
The second cake is a very light lime flavour cheese cake with banana slices in the middle and a dark chocolate biscuit base. Hohoho...
My department paid 8k to someone to print 1k copies of this full colour blue book of amazing stories. While reading it, I went 'you mean we have that' and 'that much grant money?' But it all doesnt matter because a picture speaks a thousand words, and look, who speaks above?
Went to Biopolis last week and saw people cleaning the building's glass outer surface. Then today saw them cleaning NUMI. Is it world window cleaning week?
On a deserted island, behind steel yellow doors, lies a room, a niche, a lab (insert dry ice smoke). The people are friendly, cheerful, and always helpful (ok, you can point the gun away now). Step into our world or if you were once part of it, step back in. Savour the flavour