Thursday, March 01, 2007


Prof got promoted and we gave her flowers.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

invitrogen's voucher

Invitrogen had a promotion this CNY season, buy stuff and they give you ang pau. Inside the ang pau you get vouchers to 'The Bakin' Boys' at Biopolis. We got $15 worth of vouchers but when I went there, the salesperson at the counter refused to let me get muffins with the voucher. She only allowed me to get coffee; and cant even use it to get hot chocolate or tea. The thing is, I dont drink coffee!!! Anyway, got some caffeine and came back. then Terror Teren called the Invitrogen people and found out actually the voucher can be used to buy anything! GRRRRRR...

Moral of the story: don't go to the shop called Bakin' Boys. They suck at PR.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

name become shorter

my boss' name became shorter today, from "ap" to just "p". Send in your congratulatory emails now.

more new stuff

New cute dustbin for Etbr gels

New HUGE autoclave. can autoclave one whole person

New BSC hood replacing the laminar for cell culture. the old one was bought in 1978-ish i think

The other new BSC hood replacing the bacterial work laminar

The two CO2 cabinets

Monday, February 26, 2007

new CO2 incubators

not easy to lift that freaking heavy thing over the new one on the new black frame. both CO2 now for 37C. One for infected and the other clean cells. step nearer to CO2 poisoning...5% + 5% = 10%..hiak...hiak...hiak...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

stupid cat

somebody's cat trying to get into my house by going through the window. Grrrrh...
It managed to get in last week and sat on my couch, dropped lots of fur around.... which reminds me, i need to clean my windows soon.