Friday, November 25, 2005


New pond outside the NUH Surgery dept. Here's a pic of the blooming water lily and another of two odd looking fishes. Will take more and post tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Number Crunch

Bat guano offers some surprising nutritional benefits compared with a Big Mac. Or at least, that's one possible reading of a study of the dietary habits of cave salamanders, which like to feast on the former.
54% of guano is protein.
23% of a Big Mac is protein.
1% of guano is fat.
33% of a Big Mac is fat.
Source: Fenolio, D. B. et al. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3341 (2005).

So now, when someone tells you to 'go eat s**t' you can reply with some dignity and pride "and you go eat a Big Mac."

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Olde ye retro
(photo credit: littlefroggie)

Monday, November 21, 2005

Lab Pet

Say hi to Whee the Whale.
Wonderful pet to have.
He's green, he's cute, he's quiet, and he zaps stuff!
What more can one ask of a pet?
He doesn't litter, doesn't make any noise, and doesn't seek for your attention. He's just happy to be where he is!

Whee came in a bubble, you could call him a bubble boy.

Here's the kind pet shop owner that came to make sure Whee has a good home from now on. Here the shopowner is plugging Whee in to his feeder. Whee eats tiny shrimplike things we humans call electrons. When Whee eats a super high load of 'shrimps' he gives out a little spark. That shows he is happy. However, if a big sparks comes out, Whee is over his head in happiness which could result in a toothache - a black spot in his mouth. Then you need to call the friendly petshop owner back to fix Whee up.

Ain't he cute?

Front view. His two little flippers help him walk on dry ground and swim in the deep blue sea. The tougue sticks out perpetually, waiting for his next 'shrimp'.

Whee with his mouth open, "feed me, feed me" he cries!

Front view of his mouth.

If you want to visit Whee, come to the lab! We charge only 50 cents per visit. Feed Whee some 'shrimp' for $5. Charges include the cuvette used for feeding.