Tuesday, November 01, 2005


New boxes. Supposed to keep all our tips, boxes and other stuff inside them. The department undergoing some physical changes with the new HOD (head of department). Got to reduce the number of fridges you use to 4 per lab (we have like 7 now I think), get rid of old unwanted stuff and no more personal lab stuff in common areas. Oh yeah, and you should try and fit all your lab's stuff in the lab room areas, which I personally think is impossible at the moment for us. There will also be new desks and cubicles at the 'second-half part" of the corridor. The present tables will go and no more students or staff tables in the wet lab. So everybody sits outside. Thus, we have to clear all the fridge space we are using at the moment so the new cubicles can come in. Pitty the students at the first lab right in front; they have to soon walk all the way to the back where we are to get to their table. And above that, 2 honours students have to share a table between themselves, no more individual table thing. Staff and post-grads still get their personal space - phew...

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