here, the home team's mascot, the walking merlion, terrorizes some secondary school kiddies.
some ang moh showing his singlish prowess. i dont think the opposition oz team understands-lah
fanatic fans. really cheering and making noise throughout the whole game using those red longish baloons that goes 'thong thong thong' when you slap them together, and of course, screaming.
tony fernandes, the owner of Air Asia, teh low cost budget air company, giving it a shot. the singapore team is being sponsored by air asia.
the mascot
the mascot flipping over.
some singh that really became annoying after some time.
at half time they had this contest, if you get a score from the 3-point line, you walk home with a tv. this lady got it.
the annoying singh again.
HN sponsored the tv's
game over
outside what the stadium looks like.
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